How to Fix CopyQ Autostarts Without Tray Icon
In this article, we will discuss solution for an issue with CopyQ autostarting without a tray icon. There are a few possible workarounds and solutions to this problem:
Enable Autostart and Tray
First ensure that autostart and tray icon for CopyQ are enabled by:
- Open CopyQ.
- File
- Go to "File" in the menu bar
- select "Preferences" (or press Ctrl + P)
- Tab "General"
- Check the option - Autostart
- Tab "Tray"
- Uncheck - Disable tray
- "Apply" + "OK" button to save the changes.
P.S. you can start the program from the main menu of Linux Mint or Ubuntu.
Fix missing tray icon
If the CopyQ tray icon is still not visible than you can do:
- Open and edit - .config/autostart/copyq.desktop
sudo nano .config/autostart/copyq.desktop
- add delay:
On the next reboot the CopyQ should start with a tray icon. Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and Linux Mint 21.