IT stuff for non IT

Our lives become filled, even changed, by IT revolution. Everyday since early morning, during the workday, entertainment even when we sleep. IT is here, IT is everywhere and we can't denied or stop it. So it's better to understand it and use it in a proper way.

Sometimes we think we can’t understand it or solve a problem, but actually, we can.

Think about how many times you are on the verge of stop because something seems very hard. But finally you overcome the fear, face the challenge and at the end just do it: riding a bike, driving a car, starting a job. With IT is similar and should be addressed the same way. You can see problem, defined and find a solution. Even experienced IT professional are searching for help in community sites. No one knows everything but if you ask you will be a step closer.

We have let new and fancy things overcome us, but in fact, we have a choice. We can become informed, we can choose to do and be better than yesterday.

It’s the best way to adapt our lives: just follow the trends and be informed about new things.

Some examples — note that I don’t think these are all evil. I only think we can reconsider:

Bitcoin. New, trendy, modern, revolutionary, extravagant etc. You don't need to be expert in cryptography in order to use it or profit from it. But it will be a plus if you understand how it is working. Knowing its advantages and disadvantages you will be able to react better in the new financial world

Working. For many people, working is just a boring duty. We all get tired by the boring tasks, bad colleagues, work load, all new tools. And there’s an endless sea of it in the office. But we can use computers and automate boring tasks and save our precious time. If you can delegate to your computer why not?

Living in the IT era

So how to start - start step by step, learning something new everyday. Don't be afraid of doing something new, don't be afraid of failure. All IT pro-s failed so many times and just because of it they learned lessons. All

We become better non IT-s! In the best way.