pulseaudio Daemon startup failed - Linux Mint
This article describes how to fix error:
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Daemon startup failed.
To solve more audio problems in Linux Mint, refer to this article:
1: Fix /etc/pulse/default.pa
If you get the error - pulseaudio Daemon startup failed. It's often related to the file /etc/pulse/default.pa
You can inspect the file and remove the problematic lines by:
sudo nano /etc/pulse/default.pa
In my case two additional lines were causing the error:
set-card-profile 3 output:analog-stereo
set-default-sink 3
After deletion restart the pulseaudio by:
pulseaudio -D
To find more about setting default sound device in Linux Mint you can check: Set new default sound device
2: Check pulseaudio
Sometimes the error may be shown as:
Establishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait
To fix it you can run:
pulseaudio --check
pulseaudio -D
3: Remove ~/.config/pulse
In some cases you can delete the folder ~/.config/pulse
which will help starting pulseaudio
mv ~/.config/pulse ~/.config/pulse.old
pulseaudio --start
4: Reinstall pulseaudio
As an alternative solution you can reinstall pulseaudio to fix configuration issues and general problems.
The commands to fix pulseaudio are:
sudo apt purge pulseaudio
sudo apt clean
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol
few additional packages are needed:
sudo apt install cinnamon cinnamon-dbg mint-meta-cinnamon
Source: failed to start pulseaudio daemon
This post gave a several solutions to Daemon startup failed in Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
Often rebooting is enough to solve those kinds of issues.