Well organized and easy to follow SQL examples. Many practical use cases covering most useful operation related to SQL, MySQL, Oracle. Learn how to use SQL to query and manipulate data. SQL selects, joins, delete, update and much more.

MySQL 5.7 alter table add column

Adding new table is most common DDL operation that I&

MySQL update embedded select

Simple example of update using nested query or in other

MySQL 8 embedded update over several tables

MySQL update one table embedded select UPDATE table1 t1, ( SELECT

Nice article about 10 SQL optimisations: MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL

Recently I found a very nice article explaining in great

Full back up, update and reinstall of MySQL Ubuntu 16

Back up MySQL manually or by script Manual back up

Oracle, MySQL - select max and return multiple values

A common problems in SQL are to find the data

Oracle indexes - create, rebuild, select, drop

Select all indexes by status Check indexes by status by

SQL concatenate examples

Concatenation basics * concatenation functions: * Oracle - concat * MySQL - concat

Frequent SQL commands DML and DDL

Frequent SQL commands part 2 Data manipulatiuon language DML --

Frequent SQL commands select

Frequent SQL commands This is my SQL cheat-sheet for MYSQL.