Update blog ghost to version 2.0

In this post you will see the steps that you need to update your ghost blog core (to version 2.0 from version 1.0) and some errors related to it. First you need to connect to your server by:

  • connect to server:
ssh user@domain.com
  • change working folder to your ghost installation:
cd /var/www/myblog
  • change working folder to your ghost installation:
sudo npm i -g ghost-cli@latest
  • In case of a message like:
      1. Checking file permissions - then you need to fix file permissions by
sudo find ./ ! -path "./versions/*" -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
  • In case of a message like:
    • Message: You are about to migrate to Ghost 2.0. Your blog is not on the latest Ghost 1.0 version. Help: Please run "ghost update --v1". then you need to run this command:
ghost update --v1
  • update ghost installation with:
ghost update

Finally the update process will warn you for errors with your current theme like:

Checking theme compatibility for Ghost 2.0.3

⚠ Your theme has 7 errors and 2 warnings

? View error and warning details? Yes

    File: post.hbs
    - The {{#author}} block helper should be replaced with {{#primary_author}}

    File: partials/post-card.hbs
    - The {{#if author.*}} block helper should be replaced with {{#if primary_author.*}} 
        or {{#if authors.[#].*}}
    - {{author}} should be replaced with {{authors}} or {{primary_author}}
    - Replace the {{author.name}} helper with {{primary_author.name}} or {{authors.[#].name}}
    - Replace the {{author.profile_image}} helper with {{primary_author.profile_image}} or {{authors.[#].profile_image}}

    File: styles
    - The .kg-width-wide CSS class is required to use your theme with 2.0
    - The .kg-width-full CSS class is required to use your theme with 2.0

    File: assets/built/screen.css
    - .kg-card-markdown doesn't exist in Ghost 2.0, ensure your theme works without it
    - .kg-card-markdown doesn't exist in Ghost 2.0, ensure your theme works without it

    File: assets/built/screen.css.map
    - .kg-card-markdown doesn't exist in Ghost 2.0, ensure your theme works without it
    - .kg-card-markdown doesn't exist in Ghost 2.0, ensure your theme works without it

    File: assets/css/screen.css
    - .kg-card-markdown doesn't exist in Ghost 2.0, ensure your theme works without it
    - .kg-card-markdown doesn't exist in Ghost 2.0, ensure your theme works without it

    File: package.json
    - package.json property keywords should contain ghost-theme

You can fix them one by one until your theme match the recommendations. You can install your them and later fix the errors depending on your needs.

There are many changes in Ghost Blog 2.0:

  • new desktop app interface - Ghost Editor Overview
  • official update documentation - Blog Ghost Update
  • ghost editor allows you to add different types of entries:
    • Facebook
    • Youtube
    • Twitter
    • Instagram

So you will have integration of the biggest social networks on your blog.