Windows Most Used Keyboard Shortcuts

In this post:

  • Open File Explorer
  • Running commands
  • Saving
  • Search in document
  • Print
  • Lock Computer
  • Switch Between Applications and Tabs

This post provides practical examples for most frequently used commands in Windows(based on my experience).

This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but this should give you a good view on some of the common Windows commands. I recommend you to bookmark this article for your future reference.

Do you think that something is missed? PLease leave a comment and let me know.

Open File Explorer

Windows key+E - if you need to open new file explorer. Usually opens the C:/ directory on your PC.

Running commands

Windows key+R - If you need to run some commands, programs, internet resources etc. It's very useful for starting - just type and press Enter:

  • cmd - Windows command prompt
  • taskmgr - task manager
  • regedit - Registry editor ( you need administrator rights for it). Be careful because changing registries without knowing what you are doing is dangerous. Always do a back up.

Windows quick search

Windows key - Pressing the windows key will open start menu. Once open it you can search by typing names or quick access programs.

Copy, Cut, Paste

CTRL+C - Copy selected text

CTRL+X - Cut select text, copy it to the clipboard and delete the original text. Not working on read only text.

CTRL+V - Paste place the mouse cursor on the desired position and then paste previously copied text.


CTRL+S - in most programs this combination will save your work. Sometimes it can call Save us(not saved file) or Save(already existing file).

Search in document

CTRL+F - many programs used find menu.
F3 - Usually this is the quick button for finding next
element(once find dialog is activated).


CTRL+P - opens print dialog. Works on most applications like word, excel, browsers etc.

Lock Computer

Windows key+L - this will lock your computer and only after entering the user password you will be able to unlock it.

Switch Between Applications and Tabs

Alt+Tab quickest way to switch between applications. Hold Alt and press tabs if you need to switch more than once. Press Alt+Tab+Shift if you need to run backwards. Usually shift is reversing the flow: for search, for switching, for iteration etc

Ctrl+Tab will go through all tabs of a program ( Firefox, Chrome )
Ctrl+Tab+Shift will go in reverse way.

Close Applications and Tabs
Alt+F4 To close the current application.

Ctrl+WTo quickly close the current browser tab or document.