Hey guys.

I plan to do experiment with teaching programming in small groups and discord channel. I am starting new discord channel and free live sessions for beginners in programming who wants to learn the basics or improve their skills. In the sessions I will answer questions related to programming, administrations, practical tips and many other. My initial idea is to have the following format:

  • Time: 30 minutes
  • Frequency: Depending on the interest
  • Language: English
  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, Groovy
  • Channel: Discord - Softhitns Discord
  • Main Topics: Python/Java/Alghorithms
  • Level: Basic
  • People: 5 people for the initial sessions

You can check other socials here:
Youtube: Softhints Youtube
Facebook: Softhints Facebook Group
Facebook: Softhints Facebook Page
Twitter: Softhints Twitter

If you are interested please join the channel: Softhitns Discord

More details

The idea behind the channel is to help beginners to overcome the initial annoying problems with choosing the right language or setup their environment. This is not only a place where you can share your problems related to programing but also:

  • solving typical programming problems
  • working and reading programming books(you can see some of example book here: think python chaper 1
  • sharing news and interesting facts about programming
  • networking between people with similar interest in programming

I'll try to be a tutor, admin, teacher and friend. Of course other people with more advanced knowledge can join in order to help other people in the learning process.
