How to split string in python with ot without regex, single or multiple characters:
- Python string split by dot, comma and space
- print("".split("."))
- ReferPython string split by several separators with regexences
- Python string split by another string
- Python string split several separators no regex
Some tricky examples showing how to deal with string split in python when you have separator or even more than one.
Python string split
String split in python with separators comma, dot, whitespace:
numbers = "python is cool language"
print(numbers.split()) #split string by whitespace
numbers = "python,is,cool,language"
print(numbers.split(",")) #split string by comma into a list
numbers = ""
print(numbers.split(".")) #split string by dot
['python', 'is', 'cool', 'language']
['python', 'is', 'cool', 'language']
['python', 'is', 'cool', 'language']
Python string split by several separators with regex
By using a regex you can split strings into lists very easy. Below you can see two examples:
- r"[\w']+" - find all words and extract them into a list
- r"[\d']+" - split a number string into list by regex
text = "python is cool language!? is not that cool"
print (re.findall(r"[\w']+", text))
number = "1000,000,000.000.000"
print (re.findall(r"[\d']+", number))
['python', 'is', 'cool', 'language', 'while', 'java', 'is', 'not', 'that', 'cool']
['1000', '000', '000', '000', '000']
Python string split by another string
In python you can split string by another string by using the same split method:
numbers = "python is cool language"
print(numbers.split("cool")) #split string by string
['python is ', ' language']
Python string split several separators no regex
If you don't want to use regex(regular expression) or you have small known set of separators then you can go for alternative solution to replace all separators by other one like space and then to do a split:
text = "python is cool language!? is not that cool"
seps = ["?", ".", "!"]
for sep in seps:
text = text.replace(sep,' ')
['python', 'is', 'cool', 'language', 'while', 'java', 'is', 'not', 'that', 'cool']