Simple split of string into list
If you want to split string into a list you can use simply the method split(""). It can be used:
- without one parameter - regex or the character that is used as separator
- with two parameters - separator and the second one is limit which shows the limit for spliting
String sampleString = "Python2 Python3 Python Numpy";
String[] items = sampleString.split(" ");
List<String> itemList = Arrays.asList(items);
String[] itemsLimit = sampleString.split(" ", 2);
List<String> itemListLimit = Arrays.asList(itemsLimit);
the result is:
[Python2, Python3, Python, Numpy]
[Python2, Python3 Python Numpy]
Java split string by comma
Java split string by comma or any other character use the same method split() with parameter - comma, dot etc
String sampleString = "Python2, Python3, Python, Numpy";
String[] items = sampleString.split(",");
List<String> itemList = Arrays.asList(items);
String[] itemsLimit = sampleString.split(",", 2);
List<String> itemListLimit = Arrays.asList(itemsLimit);
the result is:
[Python2, Python3, Python, Numpy]
[Python2, Python3, Python, Numpy]
Split multi-line string into a list (per line)
We can use the same string method split and the special character for new line '\n\r'. Since Java 8 we can define mutliline strings with String.join():
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class StringTest {
public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
String separator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String sampleString = String.join(
"First line",
"Second line",
"Third line",
"Forth line"
String[] items = sampleString.split(separator);
//String[] items = sampleString.split("\r\n"); //you can use the special symbols \r\n
List<String> itemList = Arrays.asList(items);
the result is:
[First line, Second line, Third line, Forth line]
Java split string by comma with ArrayList
Another option is to use ArrayList
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String sampleString = "Python2, Python3, Python, Numpy";
String[] items = sampleString.split(",");
List<String> itemList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(items));
the result is:
Python2, Python3, Python, Numpy