In this post:

  • download python
    • general tips for choosing version
    • Download from
    • Download WinPython or Portable python for Windows
    • Download Anaconda
    • Download Miniconda
    • Anaconda vs Miniconda?
  • install python
    • Install Python on Ubuntu / Linux Mint
      • Install latest stable release
      • Install Anaconda or Miniconda
    • Install Python on Windows
      • Install portable Python or in silent mode
  • update and uninstall python

Download python

Depending on your needs you have several option of getting Python. You can get the list of python alternatives on this link:

Alternative Pythons

General tips for choosing version

  • get the latest possible version - this will ensure security fixes and new features
  • if you are new to python world get python 3 instead python 2 - python 2 should be ended in next years
  • it's better to install python instead of using portable version - using portable version of python will require additional settings
  • minimal or distribution with many packages - if you plan to work in data science or machine learning it's better to get a full scientific distribution like anaconda
  • for learning basics of Python you can get Miniconda or WinPython - both can be used as portable versions and easily integrated with PyCharm

Download from

Python can be downloaded from the official site: It is base distribution having the base tools for python.:

Download python - It came in different flavours:

  • by version
    • python 2 vs python 3
  • by OS
    • Windows
    • MacOS
    • Linux

If you have any doubts about python 2 vs 3 you can check this link: Should I use Python 2 or Python 3 for my development activity?

Download WinPython or Portable python for Windows

In case that you want to work with Python but you can't install software on your PC or you don't want to install. The you can visit

Download WinPython - It have versions for python 3 only and windows. You can get even alpha version of python as 3.7 or simply check the change log. Releases of this Python alternative are frequent and the latest on is from April 7th, 2018

The project is available also on github: winpython github

You need to chose version and to install it. Important point about portable:

WinPython is a portable application, so the user should not expect any integration into Windows explorer during installation. However, the WinPython Control Panel allows to "register" your distribution to Windows (see screenshot below).

Download Anaconda

Another way to get python is: Download Anaconda Distribution

It five you freedom to use:

  • python 2 vs python 3
  • Windows, MacOS, Linux

The advantage is about this distribution is suitable for data management, analysis and visualization of large data sets. It's bigger and has many libraries included inside. It's known for:

  • High-Performance Distribution
  • Easily install 1,000+ data science packages

Download Miniconda

Another way to get python is: Download Miniconda

The download link is: Miniconda

You can get python versions:

  • python 2 vs python 3
  • Windows, MacOS, Linux

Anaconda vs Miniconda?

Choose Anaconda:

  • You are new to conda / Python.
  • you need scientific packages preinstalled
  • Disk space, internet and download time is not problem for you.

Choose Miniconda if you:

  • you need minimalistic python version
  • You don't need scientific packages or you will install them when you need them
  • Disk space or Internet download is a problem.

Install python

Installation of python and integration with IDE like PyCharm is relatively easy task and you don't need any special knowledge to do it. Even more python come as preinstalled on some OS like Ubuntu. If you want to check if your system has python which is installed and configured you can use:

python -V

sample result: Python 2.7.6

Install Python on Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Most release of Ubuntu has Python 2 and 3 installed by default. Some exception are versions before Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 18.04 for minimalistic install. In such case you can install them by :

Install latest stable release

The latest stable release can be install by:

sudo apt-get install python3

or for python 2

sudo apt-get install python

Install via third party repository

You can get more recent updates in comparison to Ubuntu repositories from third parties like ( for older versions of Ubuntu)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6

This will install python 3.6 on older Ubuntu / Linux Mint versions which has older python versions. In this way you can update the python for ubuntu.

You can switch between versions by:

sudo update-alternatives --config python3

Note: If you face problems using version 3.6 with your terminal you can solve them by:

sudo rm /usr/bin/python3
sudo ln -s python3.5 /usr/bin/python3

Install Anaconda or Miniconda

After downloading the version you can install Anaconda by running this command( you can also install in silent mode):


or for anaconda


Uninstall is simply by deleting the folder(for both Anaconda or Miniconda):

rm -rf ~/miniconda

You can check official documentation for installing Miniconda here: Installing on Linux

Install Python on Windows

Windows installation is the same as the other windows applications:

Install official python

After downloading the file you need to run the installer and follow the installation instructions. This installation will change your system and it will add the python to the registry.

Install portable Python

You can use WinPython or Miniconda/Anaconda and install them in silent mode. Later if you want you can add them to your system.

Installing in silent mode(For Anaconda, substitute Anaconda for Miniconda)
  • Open command prompt from start menu or by
    • Windows + R and type
    • cmd + Enter
  • locate the installer that you downloaded
  • Run this command:
start /wait "" Miniconda4-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%UserProfile%\Miniconda3

/S argument means - silent mode. There are also optional arguments as:

/InstallationType=[JustMe|AllUsers]—Default is``JustMe``.
/AddToPath=[0|1]—Default is 1’
/RegisterPython=[0|1]—Make this the system’s default Python. 0 indicates JustMe, which is the default. 1 indicates AllUsers.
/S—Install in silent mode.
/D=<installation path>—Destination installation path. Must be the last argument. Do not wrap in quotation marks. Required if you use /S.
Updating conda
  • Open command prompt from start menu or by
    • Windows + R and type
    • cmd + Enter
  • Locate the anaconda directory.
  • Run command
conda update conda.
Uninstalling conda

In case of non silent mode(windows 7):

  • Windows start menu
  • Control Panel
  • click Add or Remove Program.
  • Select Python X.X (Miniconda).
  • Cick Remove Program.

Windows 10

  • Start
  • Settings
  • System
  • Apps & features
  • search box
  • Type Python
  • Click the App
  • Uninstall