The most complete list of popular topics related to Python, Linux, Pandas, Better Programmer, Automation, Data Quality, API, programming books, Linux Gaming.
Over the past few years, I have researching and publishing interesting articles and videos. From time to time I share them with friends and colleagues. This list will be updated on monthly basis and will grow over time.
This is the most complete list in my opinion is the best resources for people who wants to start in programming and especially with python / linux / data science. Enjoy:
linux best apps
- Shutter screenshot image - best Linux applications
- best linux applications typora markdown editor
- How to install TeamViewer on Linux Mint and Ubuntu
python problems beginners
- Pandas Tutorial : How to split columns of dataframe
- Pandas Tutorial : How to split dataframe by string or date
- Easily extract tables from websites with pandas and python
- Easily extract information from excel with Python and Pandas
- Extract tabular data from PDF with Python - Tabula, Camelot, PyPDF2
- Pandas is column part of another column in the same row of dataframe
- Load multiple CSV files into a single Dataframe
- Analyze top youtube channels 2019 with pandas - PewDiePie I
- dataframe column transformations ( str, int, category, concat)
- Pandas DataFrame generate n-level hierarchical JSON
- Pandas How add new column existing DataFrame
- Python Pandas find and drop duplicate data
- Map the headers to a column with pandas?
- Pandas count values in a column of type list
- How to Optimize and Speed Up Pandas
- Pandas count and percentage by value for a column
- Pandas use a list of values to select rows from a column
linux gaming
- How to play Dota 2 in Linux 2018
- Halite 3 season is open
- Apex Legends MSVCP140.dll Is Missing Fix, MSVCP120.dll Is Missing, not starting
- Easy install of vmware player 15 on Ubuntu 18 / Mint 19
- create virtual machine vmware player linux mint windows
- apex legends game requires directx 11 feature video card
- play fortnite linux virtual machine
Programming learn by example
youtube stuido 2018
- How to add annotations in new Youtube studio
- Youtube New Creator Studio 2018 tutorial for beginners
- Analyze top youtube channels 2019 with pandas - PewDiePie I
- Easy install of Python and PyCharm on Windows
- intellij pycharm tips for performance productivity and beauty
- install intellij idea or pycharm on ubuntu or windows
- python performance profiling in pycharm
- PyCharm - Breakpoints, Favorites, TODOs simple examples
- How to remove/fold all python(java) comments in PyCharm/IntelliJ
- PyCharm Github Push failed: Repository not found
- PyCharm package requirements not satisfied (requirement already satisfied)
programming books
- think python chaper 1
- think python chaper 2
- intellij pycharm tips for performance productivity and beauty
- Think Python: Chapter 3 Functions
- Think Python: Chapter 3 Functions 3.2
- bilingual programming education in java and python2
- Top Five Most Annoying Programming Mistakes For Beginners with Python
- No Python Interpreter Configured For The Module - PyCharm/IntelliJ
project euler
better programmer
- how to learn programming
- better programmer solve problems related to programming
- Python/Java bad and good code comments examples
- intellij pycharm surround string quote
- Top Five Most Annoying Programming Mistakes For Beginners with Python
- Linux Mint 19 Add Shortcuts to Panel
- improve your programming skills with fun
IntelliJ IDEA
- install intellij idea or pycharm on ubuntu or windows
- install jdk and intellij on windows
- Easy install of Python and PyCharm on Windows
- intellij pycharm tips for performance productivity and beauty
- intellij pycharm surround string quote
- No Python Interpreter Configured For The Module - PyCharm/IntelliJ
- PyCharm - Breakpoints, Favorites, TODOs simple examples
- How to remove/fold all python(java) comments in PyCharm/IntelliJ
- PyCharm Github Push failed: Repository not found
- biggest programmer salaries 2018
- Top Five Most Annoying Programming Mistakes For Beginners with Python
- Python problems for beginners 2
- Python problems for beginners 3
- Easy Image validation with Python - valid image, blank or pattern
- Python group or sort list of lists by common element
- ubuntu server 16 04 enable ssh and connect
- ubuntu 16 04 server install headless google chrome
- ubuntu 16 04 uninstall and reinstall google chrome completely
- how to install great music player foorbar2000 on linux
- clementine great dark Linux music player
- Linux combine find and copy commands
- Simple ways to create shortcut in Linux Mint 19
- Linux Mint 19 add and display timezones
- Linux Mint 19 Add Shortcuts to Panel
- linux mint disable login keyring
- linux mint volume boot disk space remaining
- Linux Mint 19 How to change user password
- Apex Legends MSVCP140.dll Is Missing Fix, MSVCP120.dll Is Missing, not starting
- Easy install of vmware player 15 on Ubuntu 18 / Mint 19
- create virtual machine vmware player linux mint windows
- Linux Mint 19 password shows "*" in terminal
- Linux Mint identify, fix sound problems, set default device
- Install latest NVIDIA drivers for Linux Mint 19/Ubuntu 18.04
- install latest nvidia drivers ubuntu mint part 2
- Add(remove) Google as search engine for Firefox in easy steps
- How to easy integrate Google Calendar to Desktop for Linux Mint
- How to add weather desklet to Linux Mint 19
- java regular expressions 5 examples
- java regex matcher example
- java regex extract abbriviations
- how to install jdk 9 on ubuntu 16
- java 8 arraylist reverse sort shuffle
- ubuntu 16 04 server install headless google chrome
- ubuntu 16 04 uninstall and reinstall google chrome completely
- java 9 play with jshell interactive java console ubuntu
- bilingual programming education in java and python
- biggest programmer salaries 2018
- java 10 install on ubuntu and whats new
- java benchmarks examples
- java local variable type inference examples
- java lambda expressions simple examples
- java 8 multiline string example
- java map examples
- install jdk and intellij on windows
- Python/Java bad and good code comments examples
- intellij pycharm surround string quote
- python string split by separator
- python random number generation examples
- bilingual programming education in java and python
- biggest programmer salaries 2018
- python extract text from image or pdf
- Python read validate and import CSV JSON file to MySQL
- python regex match date
- python regex cheat sheet with examples
- python string methods tutorial
- python shuffle list
- Easy install of Python and PyCharm on Windows
- learn python for beginners complete tutorial 2018
- think python chaper 2
- Python/Java bad and good code comments examples
- intellij pycharm surround string quote
- Top Five Most Annoying Programming Mistakes For Beginners with Python
- No Python Interpreter Configured For The Module - PyCharm/IntelliJ
- python split string into list examples
- How to migrate/update virtualenv from Python 3.5 to 3.6
- Python String Remove Last n Characters
- Python Pandas 7 examples of filters and lambda apply
- The simplest way to run python headless test with Chrome on Ubuntu
- Python 3 Simple Examples get current folder and go to parent
- python join/merge list two and more lists
- Easy way to convert dictionary to SQL insert with Python
- Python 3 detect and prevent TypeError-s
- The right way to declare multiple variables in Python
- Python uninstall a module installed with pip install and virtual envirornment
- python performance profiling in pycharm
- Python Cumulative Sum per Group with Pandas
- PyCharm - Breakpoints, Favorites, TODOs simple examples
- Python 3 simple ways to list files and folders
- Python 3 elegant way to find most/less common element in a list
- clock angle problem final
- Python 3 List Comprehension Tutorial for beginners
- python 3 how to remove white spaces
- Pandas Tutorial : How to split dataframe by string or date
- improve your programming skills with fun
- pandas dataframe search for string in all columns filter regex
- Pandas is column part of another column in the same row of dataframe
- Easily extract tables from websites with pandas and python
- Easily extract information from excel with Python and Pandas
- Python asterisk argument or What is the usage of * asterisk in Python
- Easy Image validation with Python - valid image, blank or pattern
- Pandas DataFrame generate n-level hierarchical JSON
- Python group or sort list of lists by common element
- Think Python: Chapter 3 Functions 3.2
- Questions and Answers 1 Improve OCR and tabula range
- Map the headers to a column with pandas?
- mysql 5.7 show table columns 3 ways
- oracle mysql select max and return multiple values
- group by and string concatenation in oracle and mysql
- mysql join simple example for beginners
- learning MySQL for beginners 2018 part 1
- sql for beginners select examples
- sql select aggregate functions examples
- mysql update insert delete examples
- mysql coalesce exists union and having example
- mysql create alter and drop table db
- mysql 5 7 vs mysql 8 do you need to upgrade to mysql 8
- mysql equivalent of oracles sql loader
- Python read validate and import CSV JSON file to MySQL
- mysql select min and max length of all table columns
- MySQL 8 how to select day, month and year from date
- sql mysql concatenate examples
- SQL select from multiple tables(two and more)
- Easy way to convert dictionary to SQL insert with Python